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Course Overview

AT and Academics

May 8, 2023 - August 18, 2023

This on-line course uses the Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM: to provide participants with information about assistive technology assessment and implementation to support student participation and access for academic learning. Participants in this course will learn about AT to support access to math, reading and writing. They will also learn about accessible educational materials (AEM) and how to select formats and use assistive technologies to access these materials.

  • Registration Instructions
  • Course registration is a two-step process: 1) Register on ATIM and 2) Register and pay on Ashland University's system. Once you have completed this two-step process, this course will be available to you on ATIM at the start of the semester, May 8, 2023.

    If you have questions about this course or the registration process, please contact the course instructor, Rachel Schultz at
  • Registration Details
  • Course registration open April 17, 2023 - July 21, 2023
  • 1-Credit course costs $225 paid to Ashland University
Course Modules

An Overview of Using the WATI AT Assessment Process

Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours

Hundreds of schools across the nation use a process that was developed by the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI) to support AT consideration and assessment. This module provides an overview of the WATI assistive technology consideration, assessment and planning process. It also provides step-by-step directions for using the WATI process and forms to determine student AT needs and plan for successful implementation of selected AT devices and services. 

Math - WATI - Part I

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

Mathematics requires students to apply knowledge and strategies, solve problems, organize and communicate their thinking, understand how ideas connect, and develop and use representations. Given its complexity, mathematics is a subject that many students find challenging! Assistive technology (AT) includes tools that can help all students accomplish tasks in the area of mathematics.

This introductory module examines obstacles that can interfere with the learning of mathematics and focuses on the first three sections of the WATI AT Decision-Making Guide: Student Abilities/Difficulties, Environmental Considerations, and Tasks. A second module, Math - WATI - Part II, will the remaining sections of the decision-making guide: Solution Generation, Solution Selection, and AT Implementation Plans.

Math - WATI - Part II

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

Mathematics requires students to apply knowledge and strategies, solve problems, organize and communicate their thinking, understand how ideas connect, and develop and use representations. Given its complexity, mathematics is a subject that many students find challenging! Assistive technology (AT) offers tools that can help all students accomplish tasks in the area of mathematics.

This module is designed to show teams how to complete the Solution Generation, Solution Selection, Implementation Plan, and Follow-Up Plan sections of the WATI Assistive Technology Decision-Making Guide for Math so that effective AT solutions can be identified, trialed, and provided for students who struggle with mathematics. As part of this process, we will use the WATI Continuum of Considerations for Assistive Technology.

Reading - WATI - Part I

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

This module will assist teams in using the WATI assessment process to assess a student's need for assistive technology (AT) for reading. Teams can consider guiding questions to provide information about the Student, Environment(s) and Tasks, all around the task of reading and comprehending text.  The module provides information about students with print disabilities and the provision of accessible educational materials (AEM).    

Reading - WATI - Part II

Estimated Time to Complete: 2 1/2 hours

This module serves as "the next step" in assisting teams when using the WATI AT assessment process to determine a student's need for assistive technology (AT) for reading. This module should follow "Reading - WATI - Part I." In that module, information about the student, environment and tasks regarding the student's ability to read and comprehend text is collected and documented on the WATI AT Decision-Making Guide.  This module continues with the next step, which is to identify potential AT reading tools.

Writing: Composition - WATI - Part I

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

The process of written composition consists of many components that create barriers for students with disabilities. This module highlights and provides guidance for assessing the numerous challenges inherent in the writing process. The information presented in this module should be used as a guide only. When dealing with children, especially children with disabilities, many variables must be taken into consideration. This guide is meant to assist you in developing an area of focus and work out where the writing process has broken down for a given student. Written composition involves cognitive, sensory, and motoric components. Tools to assist the student with written composition will follow in the second module in this series, Writing: Composition - WATI - Part II. The motoric and sensory components will be addressed in the ATIM modules Writing: Motor Access - WATI - Part I and Part II. This module includes additional supporting articles, forms, case examples, and strategies for instruction and assessment of assistive technology (AT) for written composition.

Writing: Composition - WATI - Part II

Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours

Words on a page can tell stories, paint pictures in our minds, and allow others to know our thoughts. However, for students with disabilities, the process of allowing those thoughts to flow onto the page may be difficult or even impossible. In Writing Composition - WATI - Part I, the discussion centered on the assistive technology (AT) assessment process. In this module, the process continues in terms of product selection, data collection, and implementation. Throughout the module the term assessment will be used instead of evaluation. Assessment is defined as: "A group of activities conducted to determine a student's specific needs" (Reed, 2009, p. 1).

This process is intended to elicit thoughtful consideration and selection of tools as well as set up a plan for implementation and follow-up. The selection of a tool is important, but the services provided to learn to use the tools are equally as important. The entire process is an interconnectedness of student, product, production, data collection, maintenance, follow-up dates, and continual reassessment.


Writing: Motor Aspects - WATI - Part I

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

Writing is a complex process that involves both the motor aspects of handwriting and the cognitive component of creating or composing written material. This module will focus on assistive technology assessment for the motor aspects of writing.

Specifically, the module will follow the WATI assessment process as it systematically progresses through information gathering, decision-making, and implementation planning. The WATI Assistive Technology Decision-Making Guide supports the team with guiding questions designed to yield information about the student, environment(s), and tasks.

This module is Part I of two parts. Part II, "Writing: Motor Aspects - WATI - Part II," will further explore tools for writing.

Writing: Motor Aspects - WATI - Part II

Estimated Time to Complete: 1 1/2 hours

This module is Part II of assistive technology (AT) for the motor aspects of writing. Writing - WATI - Part I focused on the first four sections of the WATI assessment process, including information gathering, as well as special considerations the student, environment, and tasks. This module will cover the remaining sections of the WATI AT Decision-Making Guide as it systematically progresses through solution generation, solution selection, and implementation planning. The module includes assessment tools and forms, case examples, examples of assistive technology (AT) tools for writing following a continuum from low- to high-tech tools, learning activities, and additional supporting articles for further independent study.

Navigating Accessible Instructional Materials

Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours

Many students have difficulty reading and using standard print materials. Educators who work with these students and their families have many questions about how accessible instructional materials (AIM) might assist students with accessing the curriculum.  This module will address basic foundational issues related to AIM and present the AIM Navigator - a tool that can be used to facilitate the selection and implementation of accessible instructional materials.  This module was developed in partnership with the National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM Center) and the Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN).

AT and Academics Course Post-Assessment

Post-assessment for AT and Academics course.